Understanding and Preventing Stillbirth: A Global Task

The Journal of Perinatal Medicine commissioned a Special Issue on Stillbirth, guest edited by Professors Jason Gardosi and Alex Heazell. The issue appeared in June 2022 and consists of 21 open access articles from low, middle and high income countries, giving a highly informative snapshot of current research and progress in stillbirth prevention and management.

The authors were invited to give short presentations of their articles in a free, interactive, on-line symposium which was held on 9 September 2022. The program for the symposium is available here.

The meeting generated a lot of interest and was attended by close to 500 delegates. Links to the video recordings of each of the four sessions including presentations and discussions are available below.

Session 1: Introductions; Epidemiology and risk factors (1h 5min)

Session 2: Surveillance and Prevention (1h 6min)

Session 3: Understanding the Pathology of Stillbirth (57min)

Session 4: Audit and Bereavement Care (1h 17min)

JPM Symposium